Morgan Valley Church "Come to me... and I will give you rest." -Jesus, Matthew 11:28

4th Annual Living Nativity, 4-5 December 2022

Vacation Bible School, July 10-14, 2023

Adam Davis and Zac Whiting of Keep Your Heart Ministries will be joining us to serve the kids of Mountain Green and Morgan County for a week of fun and learning. Please check back later for more info, or better yet, give us a call or email so we can connect with you!

Summer Teen Camp, July 10-13, 2023

Adam and Zac will also be holding a boot camp for teenagers every night of the week. There will be plenty of fun, food, some craziness, and life-changing truth. Please check back later for more info, or better yet, give us a call or email so we can connect with you!